state transition matrix

英 [steɪt trænˈzɪʃn ˈmeɪtrɪks] 美 [steɪt trænˈzɪʃn ˈmeɪtrɪks]

网络  状态转移阵; 矩阵; 状态转移矩阵; 状态转换矩阵; 状态过渡矩阵



  1. The state transition matrix for the work request record is fairly simple
  2. A state transition matrix sequence is constructed with the state graph and punctured pattern, and the product of the matrix sequence is used to compute the transfer function and distance spectrum;
  3. On the Sustainability of the Urban Employees 'Basic Endowment Insurances System: Based on State Transition Matrix Model
  4. The difference algorithm for state transition matrix and Its Applications
  5. Markov Rolling Forecast Method can be applied not only to short-term prediction but long term one as well, provided when the market is rather stable with no significant change during a regular period of time and when the rolling times of the state transition matrix are fairly enough.
  6. The Handy Algorithm of Solving State Transition Matrix Time-Domain Solution
  7. An analytical method of computing the state transition matrix in orbit determination
  8. On the basis of analytical orbit theory, the state transition matrix from mean to transient orbit errors was put forward.
  9. This paper gives a set of formulae of the state transition matrix of the linear time-varying systems with the conjugate method.
  10. The issues including the determination of possible logical trace set by state transition matrix were considered in addition.
  11. Based on this model, utilizing Markov chain theory, the stochastic optimal control law satisfying the pre_specified performance index is obtained. Also the method calculating the corresponding Markov state transition matrix is given.
  12. Based upon the description of the logic function of MSI counter, this paper proposes an analytic method by using the state triggering matrix and the state transition matrix to obtain each input function.
  13. A Direct Method to Calculate State Transition Matrix for Linear Time-Invariant Networks
  14. Using this approach through calculation of the state transition matrix of a system, the thermal response factors can be directly obtained without need to find the roots.
  15. There are two forms of extended sequential estimation algorithm: 1. integrating error covariance matrix; 2. integrating state transition matrix.
  16. Second, network attack incident and restore procedure must simultaneously be taken into consideration because the two kinds of actions mentioned effect the survivability. Third, the method used to calculate system state transition matrix is proposed in the research.
  17. Which can handle systems with the correlated model and observation noises, and also can handle systems with singular and/ or unstable state transition matrix.
  18. The Markov characteristic of network-induced delay in networked control systems is analyzed. The evaluation method of element in state transition matrix is given when the wrong order of data packet is considered.
  19. Analysts of stability of nonautonomous systems under FREQUENTLY-ACTING perturbation by the norm of the state transition matrix
  20. The state transition matrix of linear time-varying systems time-varying topology
  21. A New Method for Calculating the state Transition Matrix e~ ( At) and Its Simulation Computation
  22. The state transition matrix is sovled by using the numerical method and analytical method separately, and both results are compared.
  23. The discrete model of converter is established by state transition matrix, and after the power function is linear zed, the simplified discrete model is gained. The object function of optimal control based on simplified model is designed; the optimal control is calculated as well.
  24. Based on the mathematical model and the state transition matrix for orbit Interception, the magnitude and direction of velocity were attained.
  25. According to the linearized relative motion equation of the formation flight ( C-W equation), any time the relative state covariance matrix and state transition matrix can be got, thus, any time the relative vector covariance matrix will be able to calculate.
  26. And by re-training the model, we get a new cluster center and a new semi-supervised model state transition matrix.
  27. We also can know: the emit probability of the background model, the position weight matrix of the motif, motif density, initial distribution, state space, state transition matrix.
  28. Thirdly, a Semi-Markov Model is proposes to characterize network-induced time delay, a method to computing delay distribution and state transition matrix is presented based on statistics analysis.
  29. The full text makes MS-VAR dynamic model as the focus and foothold, while its state probability plot, state transition matrix and impulse response diagram can show the dynamic relationship of state transition between the variables.